Russian animated series “Mi-mi-mishki” for three years, won not only Russian and foreign markets, but also made their own licensed products, games for phones and tablets, as well as visited the largest international and Russian festivals
“Mi-mi-mishki” in a fascinating way tell children about fun adventures of the tireless pranksters – brown bear named Kesha and the polar bear named Tuchka, and their friends Tsipa and Lisichka. The series teaches children true friendship, love for nature, kindness, as well as the ability to get along with each other and overcome any obstacles together.
Animation Studio “Parovoz” presented the first series of “Mi-mi-mishki” to the audience on March 21, 2015 on screens of Russian cinemas in “CARTOON in cinema” project.
Then a unique animated series from the first episodes captured young viewers of children’s TV channels “Mult” and “Tlum HD”, included in “Digital TV” group (VGTRK and Rostelecom). Every time “Mi-mi-mishki” collect large family audience near the screen and regularly occupy a leading position in the rating.
For 3 years there was more than 100 series, which won the audience not only in Russia but around the world. “Mi-mi-mishki” started with great success in China – during the first three days of the show they gained 6 million views on website of the largest Chinese video streaming operator LeEco.
Global entry into the international market began in October 2016 with a large-scale presentation on the world’s major TV markets MIPJunior and MIPCOM (Cannes, France). Animated series “Mi mi-mi-mishki” was in the top 15 most popular television projects for children in the world on the basis of screening of MIPJunior.
In less than a year the rights to the Russian animated series were bought by TV channels and online cinemas around the world. Today, “Mi-mi-mishki” is translated into 10 most common languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese and Hindi.
Also 7 educational games came out based on the animated series; more 11 million fans of the main characters downloaded them on mobile devices.
In December 2017 in Moscow in “Riviera” shopping center was opened “CARTOON” shop, which presents more than 350 licensed products based on the animated series “Mi-mi-mishki” which are in the top of sales.
Children’s channels of Digital Television will arrange a marathon of stories about their favorite bears and their friends by the three-year anniversary of “Mi-mi-mishki”.
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